Author Bryan McLelland

EP054: QOD, Part 2 of Great by Choice, Complications from Coronectomy, F150 vs Cement Truck

Interesting Case ButtonThis week starts with little message about why a woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s. I then go into part 2 of Great by Choice by Collins. Productive paranoia and the 20-mile march are discussed. I then go into an article review that discusses the risks with coronectomy or partial removal of lower third molars and why one would consider this and what can happen. This article is directly applicable to any dentist who sees patients with third molars.

The interesting case is a must see! This gentleman crashed head on to a cement truck while driving his F150 and sustained a severe naso orbital ethmoid fracture. I discuss the key elements of the surgery and repair and show some killer pictures. You don’t want to miss these!



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EP053: QOD by Don Marquis, Carotid Artery Calcifications Incidence and Implications, Part 1 of Great by Choice by Jim Collins, 3 Dude Syndrome

ThInteresting Case Buttonis week starts with a quote by Don Marquis on procrastination. I then review an article discussing carotid artery calcifications found on CBCT scans.

I love Jim Collins’ work and this book on Great by Choice starts this week and is really a great read and review if I do say so myself! I have an interesting case of a young male patient who was, (minding his own business), skateboarding and fell and broke his jaw in two places and managed not to get any extra oral cuts on his face. I show some cool 3D scan of his bilateral mandible fracture and the final panorex fixed.

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EP052: One Year Special Anniversary Podcast : A Day In the Life of your Host

Interesting Case ButtonThis is the one-year mark of the “Dentist Brain Candy” Podcast!  It has been quite the year and journey!  Content creation is fun but also a lot of work in an already busy life.  This episode is a snapshot of a day in the life of yours truly.  I discuss what I am doing and two interesting cases that came up, one of which was a surgery I did in the hospital.  Don’t forget to go to the interesting cases section to see some cool pictures as well!

Remember to leave a review of this podcast on iTunes for a free Cyclone Cup! Listen for details!

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EP050: Dental Implant Terminology: Part One

This week you will enjoy the first part of a webinar entitled “Dental Implant Terminology”. This webinar is designed for the entire team! Getting the entire team educated and on the same page about dental implants builds value for patients. It also builds team confidence and consistency in discussions with patients. This will absolutely increase case acceptance and the number of implant cases you have in your office.

You and the entire team need to listen to this and team members should review this material yearly. You can also use this to train new team members, front and back alike. Make this a part of your internal training system!

The full webinar can be found at

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EP049: QOD by Isaac Asimov, Last Installment of Strength Based Leadership, RX Drug Abuse and Oral Surgeons, Leukemia and tooth development

Interesting Case ButtonThis week starts with a quote by Isaac Asimov, and then we discuss why followers get behind their leaders and follow. After all, a leader without followers is just out for a walk.

I also go over my top five strengths as assessed by the Strength Finders test. The article I reviewed is an editorial by James Hupp on prescription drug abuse and Oral Surgeons. The stats are incredible and scary.

The interesting case shows a panorex and the extracted teeth, including mutant teeth after a young man went through chemotherapy for leukemia, causing a systemic disruption and abnormal tooth development. You will want to see this!

Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes for a free Cyclone Cup! Listen for details!


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EP048: QOD by Yogi Berra and E.Hubbard, Strength Based Leadership Part 2, Cancer Around Implants and Implant Complication in the Esthetic Zone

Interesting Case ButtonThis week starts with a funny quote followed by another funny quote! We then dive into the second part of “Strength Based Leadership” and two more examples of CEO’s strengths and how they used them to lead their respective organizations to greatness. We then review an article discussing squamous cell carcinoma that occurred around a dental implant. The interesting case is about a necrotic piece of bone around an implant in the esthetic zone and successful management of that complication.

Mentioned in this episode:

New App and Tablet:
Interesting videos/educational materials:

Leave a review of this podcast on iTunes for a free Cyclone Cup! Listen for details!


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EP047: Be Calm, Patients Calm with NuCalm : Change your Practice AND real ROI

Patients are stressed out in the dental chair. This makes dentists and dental auxiliaries stressed out in the office. This stress decreases patient case acceptance because of fear. NuCalm, in an all natural way, relieves this stress and makes patients comfortable and increases case acceptance. The system also has a well-defined return on investment. NuCalm is also being used for peak performance in sports, in cancer patients, and in many other ways. Jim Poole the CEO from NuCalm fills us in on all the details.

Mentioned in This Episode


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EP046: Restoring Hybrid Restorations: A Process Anyone Can Follow: PART 1


Restoring Hybrid restorations can be a challenge. Many dentists get that turn in their stomach when they think about taking on such a thing. This presentation is one method that is predictable and broken down into an appointment by appointment approach that makes it so anyone can restore hybrids and full arch dental implant cases. This audio clip is the first part of a video series that you can find at

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EP045: QOD by George Burns, Strength Based Leadership by Ruth and Conchie, Does Smoking Affect Implant Failure and Marginal Bone Loss?, Orbital Blowout Fracture from Flag Football


Interesting Case ButtonThis week starts with a quote by George Burns and a bonus quote of the day.  Part one of Strength Based Leadership begins and promises to be a foundational and invaluable book.  I particularly like the web-based test that you can take that will tell you your top five strengths!  We look at two of the four leadership strength or styles and real life examples of each.  The ex-NFL football player was in a no-contact game of flag football and took an elbow to the right eye and sustained a blowout fracture of the right orbital floor.  A subciliary incision was made and a titanium impregnated Medpor implant was used to reconstruct the orbital floor.  Check out the radiographs in the Interesting cases section.

Mentioned in This Episode

Book: Strengths Based Leadership


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