Meet Bryan McLelland
Dr Bryan McLelland is a practicing Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Spokane, Washington. He graduated from dental school in Canada in 1995 and then completed a one year GPR at Denver General Hospital and then a four year residency at “The Old Lady On Harrison Street”, also known as Cook County Hospital.
After associating for 2 1/2 years in small town Illinois the family moved to Spokane where currently Dr McLelland is practicing out of his two clinics. Dr McLelland has a beautiful wife and three girls ranging from 2-15 years of age. When not working or covering call at the local level 2 trauma hospital the family likes to boat, travel and play soccer.
About the Podcast
The podcast is designed for the dentist who likes to learn and improve their practice. The information and content delivered is designed to help the restorative dentist move their practice forward.
Each week we start off with an quote that gets the metal gears turning, a book review which will be digested for the listener over a series of episodes pulling out relevant material and applying it to the dental practice.
Next an article will be reviewed from the literature and available for download. The show will close with an interesting case that I have come across. Pictures and radiographs, when appropriate will be on the website to review as well.
The benefits include having a virtual dental buddy that you can listen to and “hang out with” and talk shop and grow your experience, knowledge and enthusiasm for our profession.