In this episode, I discuss the pathogenesis of Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) and the staging of ORN and the treatment modalities available including surgery, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, pentoxifylline and tocopherol as well as dental management with these cases. 21 days should pass from the time of the last dental surgery before radiation
This week’s podcast is dedicated to the Pleomorphic Adenoma I was introduced to and treated over the last 3-4 weeks. I go over the history of this lesion, the initial treatment and definitive treatment and if you go to episode 120 Interesting Cases Section you will find some killer
In this episode, I start by discussing briefly the existence of the AAOMS white paper on prescribing opioids responsibly. Specifically, I discuss an article in the AAOMS Today publication that goes over CPT and CDT coding guidelines.
Using an opioid-sparing technique in your office is expensive and has a significant financial
In this episode, I start by discussing antibiotic resistance and its implications in society as well as the reasons for this increase in antibiotic resistance. We discussed the causes including easy access in developing nations over administration prescription by healthcare providers as well as providing antibiotics to prophylactically livestock. I
In this episode a review malignant hyperthermia. I start with the initial diagnosis and then go step-by-step on the treatment protocols for malignant hyperthermia. I also provided in the interesting case is section is a document that all planes what each person is to do when a case of malignant
In this episode, I go over 10 tips on how to increase your case acceptance and make your bottom line explode in 2018. Following these few simple ideas will radically change your bottom line in 2018. Remember that right now overhead is covered and any increase in collections goes into
In this episode we talk about a wall mounted tooth cleaning system for the shower. It sounds like a fire hydrant for your mouth but you be the judge. I go off a bit on tooth whitening and who should provide the service and then transition quickly to StellaLife and
In this episode we discuss a number of different articles Would You Begin by discussing the use of third molar informed consent videos and how much patience remember after watching the video. We also discuss a rear complication of osteomyelitis following mandibular dental implants that required resection and a free
This episode discussed the difference between probiotics, synbiotics and prebiotics as well as information on probiotics. I also discuss antibiotic induced Clostridium difficile infections also known as C. Diff infections. Remember that the toxin produced by this bacteria is what causes the symptoms and issues with this infection. It can
In this episode I will discuss an electronic cavities detector, several new dental codes to be aware of and bill for including HbA1c for diabetes screening. I will discuss a sleep appliance that will allow for the patient to wear orthodontic aligners or Invisalign at the same time. Opioid epidemic