In this show I interview my friend and trusted Implant Rep, Scott Oyler from Nobel Biocare. We discuss the problem of non-authentic dental implant components and the reasons behind their rise in use and the resulting problems. Many times the restorative dentist is not aware that their restorations are made
This is the second and final part of the Dental Implant Terminology series. There is a video that pairs with this that you can find at
This is designed for the entire team to get everyone on the same plane and level and prepared to answer patient dental implant questions
In this episode, I conclude the Great by Choice book review and then move straight into reducing dental anxiety. This article discusses using
essential oils, specifically citrus/orange essential oil to reduce anxiety in an Oral Surgery office. I then conclude with a simple but cool case of a mucocele removal.
In this episode, I start off with a quote of the day from none other than Walt Disney! If you think you might recognize the background noise in this episode, then chances are you’ve been to Chuck E Cheese’s! This entire episode was recorded there!After the QOD I get into
In this episode I discuss the 2016 AAOMS annual meeting highlights that I took away. I hope this summary is useful for you.
My team and I had a fantastic speaker, Dr. Charles Whitney, MD come and speak at Center Place in Spokane, WA. You all had an invitation so it is your own fault you did not come! The presentation was fantastic and in this episode, I summarize a few of the
This week starts with a quote by Robin Williams. I discuss Part 3 of Great by Choice. The article review is on bone grafting the edentulous maxilla and the review of the literature of all of the choices that are available to us. The interesting case is that of a
This week starts with little message about why a woman’s mind is cleaner than a man’s. I then go into part 2 of Great by Choice by Collins. Productive paranoia and the 20-mile march are discussed. I then go into an article review that discusses the risks with coronectomy or
This week starts with a quote by Don Marquis on procrastination. I then review an article discussing carotid artery calcifications found on CBCT scans.
I love Jim Collins’ work and this book on Great by Choice starts this week and is really a great read and review if I do say
This is the one-year mark of the “Dentist Brain Candy” Podcast! It has been quite the year and journey! Content creation is fun but also a lot of work in an already busy life. This episode is a snapshot of a day in the life of yours truly. I discuss