This week I have several items to discuss including a new company that is making a 3D identical titanium and Zirconium dental implant that is designed to fill the socket of an immediately extracted tooth. This would be and will be an amazing technique and I am fascinated by the
In this episode, I continue with our book review of Wheelbarrow Profits and then move to a very interesting study that used 5% Fluorouracil instead Modified Carnoy’s solution to decrease the recurrence rate of keratocystic odontogenic tumors with a decrease in paresthesias. If you treat these lesions you will not
In my experience, only two implant systems excel at preserving crestal bone. Astra and Ankylos implants are the only two that I have seen published and personal results with preserved marginal bone. This week I delve into several excellent articles and break down the data on marginal bone loss. I
In this episode we talk about robots placing dental implants and app’s for your dental practice as well as break down several Orbital Apex Syndromes including Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis and Superior Orbital Fissure Syndrome.
In this episode, I go over 8 dental news items for your consumption. I talk about preventing pneumonia with dental cleanings, the big 3 dental supply companies getting sued for price fixing, anti-fluoridation propaganda and more.
This week I go over two articles which I think will be very applicable and helpful and any general dental or surgical practice. The first article we will review and discuss whether or not antibiotics decrease the risk of a dry socket and or infection for our third molar patients.
This week's episode has a total of 7 news items that we discussed. If you go to the interesting cases section at this website you can find a Dodger with a complete write-up and links to the relevant areas.
In this week's episode I go over news from the dental world and dental industry and I title it news you can abuse. I also go over a review of preemptive analgesia with dentistry and oral surgery. I think you're fine this episode fun and meaningful.
After injury to the orbital bony vault a common sequelae is enophthalmos. This article reviews a way of assessing patients radiographically to predict when enophthalmos will occur and when to do surgery.
After any surgery including oral surgery postoperative shivering can occur. These patients may be hypothermic but they may not be as well. This article review does a nice job of going into the incidence, causes, risks and solutions for this common occurrence.