This week I discuss an interesting survey that was done by the American Association of oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons that is the second annual survey. Their survey asks questions about prescribing patterns and attitudes of oral surgeons. Over 300 people responded to the survey and the results are quite interesting.
This week I discussed Facebook live and successes other businesses have had with Facebook live and ways and tips and tricks on how you can implement this into your dental practice to increase patient engagement brand awareness in the bottom line generate more patients so you do not want to
This week I go through Google my business and the Google Goggles Local 3 pack and discuss the best practices on how to use and optimize your Google my business profile which will maximize SEO for your website and help you generate new patients.
This week we talked about office managers and the goal of the office manager and some daily and weekly checklist for the office manager. If your office manager can complete these tasks and duties you will have one well-honed machine of a dental office.
This weekend discuss two articles from the most recent Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and the first one is on the risk factors affecting the prognosis of descending necrotizing mediastinitis from a dental infection the second article that I discuss is a discussion about the development of the Dual
In this episode, I go over last month's International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial implants and discuss three articles that I thought were relevant. One article was on the effectiveness of platform switching to preserve bone levels. Another article was on whether or not bone levels and success rate of implants
In Your Face Oral Surgery channel has gone live with vids that are sure to delight!
This week I go over the first dental VR company, Google Adwords 101 tutorial among many other things that you do not want to miss!
This is the second part of a 2-part episode where I have a very lively discussion with Patrick Jenkins from wealth advocates. Patrick Jenkins is a friend of mine and a fantastic financial planner with a wealth of knowledge and today he will eliminate the changes in the tax code
This is the first part of a 2-part episode where I have a very lively discussion with Patrick Jenkins from wealth advocates. Patrick Jenkins is a friend of mine and a fantastic financial planner with a wealth of knowledge and today he will eliminate the changes in the tax code
This week I talked to the founder of Clario I thought their new offering taking their product to the next level using text messages. This change is so revolutionary that it comes with the rebranding and name change to Kinect. Now with one sweet you can increase the number of