Maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) surgery is highly effective in curing moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). But how does that surgery impact a patient’s facial profile?
Are we inadvertently beating people with an ugly stick in the name of better breathing?
On this episode of Dentist Brain Candy, I cover two thought-provoking
As dentists and oral surgeons, we’re dependent on our hands to make money. And if something prevents us from working, we lose that income—and the security that goes with it.
That’s why I’m working with Chris Salazar to invest in real estate and create an additional income stream separate from my
In 2018, Joe DiMeo fell asleep at the wheel. In the resulting accident, he suffered third-degree burns over 80% of his body. He was left without eyelids, ears and fingertips.
But in August of 2021, a team at NYU Langone Health performed a face and double hand transplant on Joe. Was
With oral operations, negative outcomes are bound to arise from time to time.
Though, when we take the time to continue to stay informed of possible hazards and complications, we can better avoid these possible outcomes.
On this episode of Dentist Brain Candy, I share three interesting articles from the the Journal
This week we discuss some pretty interesting articles from the Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery the first one discussing the Akinosi nerve block technique versus the inferior alveolar nerve block technique for beginners to see whether there's an ease in learning and decrease complication rates for beginners. I didn't
This week in Dental news to abuse will start off by discussing how dental offices can win back lost patience as well we'll talk about a new retraction paste that's made out of a combination of 15% aluminum chloride and kaolin Clay will also discuss a new product available called
This week we go over weight loss with jaw fractures and whether or not doing a closed reduction or an open reduction makes a difference in this weight loss. The average patient with a mandibular fracture loses approximately 5% of their body weight but if it made it to the
This week I discussed the latest release and new materials and implant and abutment surface from Nobel Biocare. This includes Xeal and TiUltra.
This week we are going to talk about enhancing your dental team's communication as well as using salivary diagnostics for your dental practice to assist in bacterial identification for Paragon it is as well as caries risk assessment and oral cancer screening. We'll also talk about how you can borrow
This week in Dental news to Abuse I discuss changes with coding occlusal night guards and how to bill them and make sure you get reimbursed for these little critters. In addition, I discuss the ins and outs of emailing patient dental records and making sure you protect Patient Healthcare